Moving House Checklist For A Smooth Relocation Experience
Don’t have a moving house checklist for your upcoming move in Kuala Lumpur or Selangor? You must be stressed out on what to do and what to expect from moving houses. Am I right? Otherwise, you won’t be reading this article. Sit back and let us help you with that.
Here is a Moving Checklist Prior to moving:
1 Month before Moving
Step 1: “It Gotta Go”
Moving into a new home with a new environment, new things to be purchased. It is time to say goodbye to the old faithful that just can’t or shouldn’t be brought into new home, like your kids’ childhood beds that they can’t fit no more, that old furniture or toys your kids never played with no more. It is time to get out with the old and in with the new. One way is dumping it away. Another better alternative is doing a garage sale or selling it to a second shop if it is still in great or usable condition. Great way to earn some extra cash is getting rid of old or unwanted stuff.
Step 2: Sort. Sort! SORT! Labelling too!
Nothing is worse than dumping in everything in big brown boxes and shipping them out. This could be the worst of nightmares for all newly moved families. All their belongings would be all over the place. It would be the hardest treasure hunt that you would never ever want to play when you need to find your urgent file folder. Instead of just dumping things into boxes, what you should do instead is walking through every room in your house and packing them accordingly with labelling. This would allow for more coordinated packing and you would be able to find your urgent file in the box labelled according to the rooms.
1 Week before Moving
Step 3: Hiring Movers
I could understand what you are thinking now. “WHY in the world would I want to pay someone to help me move?!?” Hear us out. Surely, you could save the money to get the job done all by yourself, but have you considered the cost involved? Is it really worth spending hours carrying heavy boxes around? Is hurting your back and straining your muscles worth saving that money? Your time and health are worth far more valuable than money. In addition, professional movers could get the job completed in a fraction of time with the proper equipment and skilled workers. Please hire movers my dear friend.
Few Days before Moving
Step 4: Connecting the Loose ends
Now is the time to ensure that all the bits and pieces are combined together and ready to be executed on moving day. Do ensure that all items are packed, labelled and ready to go. Also do double confirm with your hired movers on the timing of your move. With all said and done, it is time to sit back and relax until moving day.
Moving Day
Step 5: Orchestrate the Moving Arrangements
The most important day! It is time for you direct movers where which boxes should go to which room and how you would want it to be arranged. With all said and done, your move is completed! What is left is the unpacking and arrangement of your home.
Thinking to yourselves that this is just too much of a work for you to deal with? Why you don’t you contact our friendly staff today?
We provided a rounded moving experience from top to bottom services. We pack items into boxes, labelling, moving, unpacking and arrangement services for our dear customers. Look no further if you are staying in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor and looking for a house mover. We cater specifically to you. Get in touch with us right now for more information!